viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018


  1. Soil: contains weathered rocks (sand, silt, clay), organic matter, air and water.
  2. Organic matter: decomposing plant and animal materials found in top soil. 
  3. Soil composition: the ingredients that make up a sample of soil.
  4. Nutrients: essential elements required by and organism to grow and reproduce.
  5. Decompose: break down of plantas, animals, etc. Into to soil.
  6. Weathering: breakup of rocks caused by chemical or mechanical processes .
  7. Pieces of weathered rock: sand, silt and clay .
  8. Sand: largest particles, stay at botton .
  9. Silt: medium particles. 
  10. Clay: small particles, stay towards the top. 
  11. Soil layers: organic, top soil, sub soil, parent material and bedrock.
  12. Top soil: weathered rocks, organic matter, air and water .
  13. Subsoil: some chemical found in topsoil, not much organic matter.
  14. Parent material: slight broken up bredock, no plant roots, very little organic matter .
  15. Bredock: hard rock. 
  16. Texture: how soil feels. 
  17. Grainy: large pieces, sand like .
  18. Silky: medium pieces, silt like .
  19. Sticky: small pieces, clay like .
  20. Color: chocolate brown, reddish brown, yellowish brown, grayish brown .
  21. Consistence: how easily soil breaks apart .
  22. Loose: soil breaks apart when held .
  23. Friable: breaks apart with small amount of pressure from one finger.
  24. Firm: breaks apart with a lot of pressure from two fingers.

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